Book cover of If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

Book Review: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

I picked up If I Had Your Face solely because of its cover. I know everyone says don’t judge the cover but I just couldn’t help it. Beautiful covers attract me. And I am so happy to report that it did not disappoint!

Book cover of If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha

Title: If I Had Your Face

Author: Frances Cha

Published: April 21, 2020 by Ballantine Books

Genre: Adult, Asian Literature, Feminism, Fiction, Korea, Literary Fiction

This book is about five girls living in South Korea, all trying to make a name for themselves in the misogynistic society they inhabit.

And god, how can men be such assholes? Every man in this book is an asshole.

I was interested in the title, “If I Had Your Face,” because I was in a headspace where I wished I wasn’t in a difficult situation and I was wishing that I was someone else.

This book got me hooked to the point of being distracted from work because I desperately wanted to read it. When I finished, I immediately wrote in my notes, “Okay, so I just finished ‘If I Had Your Face.’ And god, it was beautiful.” Because it is! The pacing is fast and it ends abruptly, but I think it’s fitting. Still, I’m hungry for more. The book concludes right when things are getting interesting, which is a shame!

I’m not mad about it though. I love the characters. They’re not exactly lovable; they’re fiery, and I love that! They all have this certain anger towards the world of men that made me feel invested.

The voices are also distinct, even though the perspective shifts frequently. That’s something I’m usually picky about, so I’m really happy it was well done!

The writing itself is solid. I could clearly visualize the wealth and beauty that the book was portraying.

final thoughts…

This book is a great exploration of womanhood in a male-dominated society. It explores the intersection of patriarchy, sexism, and beauty.

This book is refreshing for me coming from a month of reading thick books. So if you’re in the same place as I was and want to try something new and page-turning, definitely give this a go.

This is also great for K-drama fans because many K-dramas portray elite society in both good and bad ways. You can see the bad ways here.

Please let me know if you’ve read this book and what you think, or if you plan to read it!

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