June Book Review Wrap Up

I read more books this month, here are my secrets!

Okay, the title might come across as clickbait, but no clickbait here! I’m just going to share some personal changes in my life so I was able to read more books this month

Before this month, I could only manage to read around 3 to 4 books per month, which felt like my maximum. I thought one book a week would be ideal, but after incorporating three key changes into my life, I’ve been able to increase the number of books I read each month. These changes are: digital detoxing, using paperbacks, and loading up various titles on my e-reader.

first, digital detoxing...

The cornerstone of my digital detox was switching to a “dumb” phone. If you’re not familiar with this concept, a dumb phone has limited features, such as the absence of social media apps, restricted internet access, and only basic functions like texting and calling. This device is designed to help reduce the distractions that come with modern smartphones. I used my iPhone SE and turned it into a dumb phone by removing social media apps, limiting internet access, and setting time limits for apps like Facebook and Reddit. Without these distractions, I was able to focus more on reading.

second, having paperbacks...

Initially, I thought my lack of reading was due to the distractions from my phone. I believed that switching to paperbacks could solve this problem and enhance the reading experience. However, I soon realized that paperbacks also have their drawbacks, creating friction in my reading habits. Often, I read when I have free time or nothing else to do—like waiting in line, in the restroom, or having coffee at our dimly lit dinner table. These are places where I wouldn’t bring a physical book because I didn’t want to seem too nerdy or risk getting the book dirty.

This led me to load up my e-reader with various book titles around the same time I started using a dumb phone. By adjusting my mindset and embracing both paperbacks and e-books, I significantly increased my reading rate. For 18 days straight, I read for 30 minutes or more each day, often reading for an hour or two when I had the time. I only broke the streak when I was traveling and didn’t have the proper setting to read (no, it’s not an excuse—I was constantly on the move and visiting hospitals).

lastly, loading up on e-books, including non-fiction.

I usually don’t read non-fiction, but I became interested in a few titles recommended by YouTubers, so I added them to my e-reader. This was a great idea because when I felt bored with the current fiction I was reading, I had non-fiction as an alternative. This helped me avoid the temptation of reinstalling social media apps or accessing the internet. That’s why my July wrap-up includes so many non-fiction book reviews.

final thoughts

Beyond just reading more books, this month has been an incredible journey. I’ve learned to enjoy different types of books, including non-fiction, and I’ve felt more in tune with myself. With fewer distractions, I have more time to read and reflect on the books I enjoy. Reading more books also helped me spark my creativity and now I started wanting to write my own book. I also have more ideas and time to write in this blog. It’s been a refreshing month!

I hope you find value in this post. Let me know what are the changes you made to increase your reading rate.

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